BSDInstall ISO images

Bruce Cran bruce at
Sun Jan 9 03:01:04 UTC 2011

On Sat, 08 Jan 2011 16:54:42 -0600
Nathan Whitehorn <nwhitehorn at> wrote:

> I would appreciate any comments or test results.

Trying to create a 200GB freebsd partition in an MBR or BSD scheme on a
200GB disk results in the message "Invalid argument. size
'419430400'" - it looks like it's trying to create a partition
slightly too big, because 198GB works. Trying to delete a partition
results in the message "Device busy". Trying to revert also results in
an error message, but the revert does happen despite text messages
overwriting the ncurses window.

The only other thing I noticed is that some of the windows look a bit
small so there's just one word per line.

Bruce Cran

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