[Patch] C1X threading support

Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Wed Dec 21 17:36:44 UTC 2011

On Dec 20, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
> The job was NOT done half-arsed. If you had any experience of sitting 
> on these committees you would know how much dedication and effort is 
> put into standards, especially JTC1 SC22 subcommittees. Every single 
> API in there has been studied and pored over at length across 
> multiple years.
> Everything is the way it is for a good reason. If it doesn't make 
> sense to you that's most likely because you're not half as 
> experienced or clever as you think you are. If you really want to 
> know why something is the way it is, all discussion regarding all 
> points is documented in full.

Incredible claims require incredible proof.  The APIs speak for themselves: they are half-assed (and the wrong half in some cases).  To assert that they are somehow clever and we're stupid requires that one walk through the cleverness.  The participants in this thread likely have a combined century of implementation experience with threads.

Perhaps you can point us to the archives where all this discussion is available?


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