[Patch] C1X threading support

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Tue Dec 20 14:34:56 UTC 2011

On 20 Dec 2011 at 8:04, Daniel Eischen wrote:

> > 4. Because POSIX does evolve over time - indeed, its next release is
> > same year as C1X (i.e. next year). People sit on both ISO committees
> > and are on the Austin Working Group. There is significant
> > cross-pollination. The changes in C1X are highly likely to become
> > normalised in the next iteration of POSIX. So think of this way, the
> > departures from POSIX in C1X were mostly intended as departures by
> > POSIX from POSIX next iteration anyway.
> Think what you want, but monitoring the austin mailing list,
> it seemed to catch everyone by surprise that C1X was coming
> up with a threading interface that diverged from POSIX.
> At least a couple of years ago that was the case, but
> perhaps that prompted the cross-pollination.

You're absolutely correct - it was exactly this divergence which 
brought a lot more eyeballs to the C11 draft. And indeed it was about 
two, two and half years ago now. It's actually amazing how fast time 
has gone.

As with any ISO standard, right at the beginning of a draft there's 
only a few people working on something. You can get some really 
radical and/or badly thought through stuff coming in at that stage. 
As the release date nears, more eyeballs come on board and stuff gets 
much more conservative. Anything unnecessary, especially given vendor 
objections to doing anything more than necessary, tends to get 
excised or in particular in C11 made into an optional module. There's 
a LOT of optional stuff in C11.


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