[Patch] C1X threading support

Daniel Eischen deischen at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 19 22:31:59 UTC 2011

On Mon, 19 Dec 2011, Niall Douglas wrote:

> On 16 Dec 2011 at 22:49, Ed Schouten wrote:
>> In my opinion the ISO folks suffer a bit from the Not Invented Here
>> syndrome. In an earlier revision of the C1X specification, they even
>> described a `struct xtime', which had a purpose identical to `struct
>> timespec'. The same holds for the threading API. It can be 1:1 mapped to
>> a subset of pthread -- why not simply standardize that subset then?
> As someone who sits on said committees, I can tell you that the
> reason why was because at the beginning it was thought that the C1X
> threading API would diverge significantly from the POSIX API. Indeed,
> early drafts of the standard had quite a number of changes. However,
> just recently almost all of those changes have been excised due to
> pressures from the system vendors and the C++ committee who came in
> quite late on wanting feature parity between the two, and C++ had
> chosen a specific subset of POSIX rather than doing anything to try
> and fix its known problems.
> Obviously, had we known that from the beginning, things would have
> been done differently. However, there was - in hindsight - a lack of
> realisation just how expensive any significant changes would appear
> to vendors.

And why on earth would the thought of having a threading API
significantly different from the POSIX API even be on the
table?  It boggles the mind.


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