[Patch] C1X threading support

Ed Schouten ed at 80386.nl
Sun Dec 18 16:15:05 UTC 2011

Hi Jilles,

* Jilles Tjoelker <jilles at stack.nl>, 20111218 14:27:
> Another idea is to implement the functions as static inline (with the
> possible exception of thrd_create() and perhaps some more). This
> pollutes the namespace of C1x programs with pthread_* though.

Hmmm... Indeed. This would change the entire C1X threading API simply
into a compile-time translation mechanism to pthreads. Unfortunately, it
would make things like debugging a bit harder, as placing breakpoints on
the functions become a bit harder.

Are there any objections to such an approach?

 Ed Schouten <ed at 80386.nl>
 WWW: http://80386.nl/
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