grabbing console (syscons) in kernel

Andriy Gapon avg at
Fri Dec 16 09:47:47 UTC 2011

on 13/12/2011 19:49 Andriy Gapon said the following:
> on 11/12/2011 23:45 Andriy Gapon said the following:
>> There are a few cases when the kernel needs to interact with a user via syscons.
>> This is the cases where the kernel not only spews some output but also expects
>> some input.  Some examples are:
>> - asking for a root filesystem specification
>> - entering ddb
>> - asking to press a key for reboot
>> In this cases the kernel implicitly grabs the console for its own use.
>> I'd like to make action more explicit.
>> What do you think about the approach and implementation in the following patches?
>> Thank you!
> I was advised that the above links might not be the best way to present the
> patches for review, so here are them as a single diff file:

I plan to start committing these changes tomorrow.  So if this is "your area" or
you want to be sure that nothing gets broken in this area, then please review
the changes or let me know your review plans.  Post-commit reviews are of course
welcome as usual, but pre-commit reviews are preferred.
Thank you.

>> P.S. one of the benefits is that a keyboard is put into and out of the polling
>> mode before getting all the required input and after that; not around each
>> character as it is done now in rather twisted way.

Andriy Gapon

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