How about finally replacing GNATS? (was Re: FreeBSD problems and preliminary ways to solve)

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Sat Aug 27 19:49:39 UTC 2011

We have used JIRA, Trac, and Request Tracker for various things here at 
MIT.  We phased out JIRA because it was a hassle to work with.  Trac is 
pretty slow in our current deployment, and it may or may not get better 
once we move to different hardware (I personally don't think it will be 
great).  RT is I think more for user support tickets than proper bug 
tracking (though we use it for bug tracking at OpenAFS); I don't think it 
has quite the workflow we want, and I gather it can be pretty complicated 
to mention.
I will also mention the Debian bug tracker which, despite the jokes made 
at its expense in various Linux communities, seems like it may be a 
reasonable fit for what we want.  Most interaction is done over email, but 
I could imagine writing scripts around it.
Sadly, I don't have any real experience with Bugzilla for comparison.

-Ben Kaduk

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