FreeBSD problems and preliminary ways to solve

Alex Goncharov alex-goncharov at
Thu Aug 25 04:01:00 UTC 2011

,--- Milo Hyson (Wed, 24 Aug 2011 19:42:23 -0700) ----*
| On Aug 24, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Vadim Goncharov wrote:
| >> walking all over the competition.  Buzz is a critical part of selling ideas in 
| >> open source (for better or worse), and there's no reason we can't play in that 
| >> game a bit while maintaining our boring and staid personalities :-).
| > 
| > Sure. And taking surveys into account, we could just simply summarize:
| > FreeBSD needs marketing :-)
| That begs the question of to whom FreeBSD should be marketed. Home
| users? Small-office admins? Datacenter admins? Embedded developers?

Horror if a wrong decision is made here, and some critical user group
is under-marketed: the ideas will no longer sell, the volunteers stop
volunteering, and we, the freeloaders, stop freeloading.

A company in Russia starts using the free (imagine, they won't pay for
it!) Linux instead of FreeBSD: one more ports user is lost, oh my!...

Let's unite and find a company that backs FreeBSD commercially: it'll
surely make a good profit... doesn't matter if not, when the FreeBSD
fate is at stake... we only have a year left... Gotta win that
competition -- do something, quick, y'all!..

-- Alex -- alex-goncharov at --

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