Increasing MAXPHYS

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Tue Mar 23 08:25:57 UTC 2010

:The whole point of the discussion, sans PHK's interlude, is to reduce the context switches and indirection, not to increase it.  But if you can show decreased latency/higher-iops benefits of increasing it, more power to you.  I would think that the results of DFly's experiment with parallelism-via-more-queues would serve as a good warning, though.

    Well, I'm not sure what experiment you are refering to but I'll assume
    its the network threading, which works quite well actually.  The protocol
    threads can be matched against the toeplitz function and in that case
    the entire packet stream operates lockless.  Even without the matching
    we still get good benefits from batching (e.g. via ether_input_chain())
    which drops the IPI and per-packet switch overhead basically to zero.
    We have other issues but the protocol threads aren't one of them.

    In anycase, the lesson to learn with batching to a thread is that you
    don't want the thread to immediately preempt the sender (if it happens
    to be on the same cpu), or to generate an instant IPI (if going between
    cpus).  This creates a degenerate case where you wind up with a
    thread switch on each message or an excessive messaging interrupt
    rate... THAT is what seriously screws up performance.  The key is to
    be able to batch multiple messages per thread switch when under load
    and to be able to maintain a pipeline.

    A single user-process test case will always have a bit more latency
    and can wind up being inefficient for a variety of other reasons
    (e.g. whether the target thread is on the same cpu or not),
    but that becomes less relevant when the machine is under load so
    its a self-correcting problem for the most part.

    Once the machine is under load batching becomes highly efficient.
    That is, latency != cpu cycle cost under load.  When the threads
    have enough work to do they can pick up the next message without the
    cost of entering a sleep state or needing a wakeup (or needing to
    generate an actual IPI interrupt, etc).  Plus you can run lockless
    and you get excellent cache locality.  So as long as you ensure these
    optimal operations become the norm under load you win.

    Getting the threads to pipeline properly and avoid unnecessary
    tsleeps and wakeups is the hard part.


    But with regard to geom, I'd have to agree with you.  You don't want
    to pipeline a single N-stage request through N threads.  One thread,
    sure...  that can be batched to reduce overhead.  N-stages through
    N-threads just creates unnecessary latency, complicates your ability
    to maintain a pipeline, and has a multiplicative effect on thread
    activity that negates the advantage of having multiple cpus (and
    destroys cache locality as well).

    You could possibly use a different trick at least for some of the
    simpler transformations, and that is to replicate the control structures
    on a per-cpu basis.  If you replicate the control structures on a
    per-cpu basis then you can parallelize independent operations running
    through the same set of devices and remove the bottlenecks.  The set of
    transformations for a single BIO would be able to run lockless within
    a single thread and the control system as a whole would have one
    thread per cpu.  (Of course, a RAID layer would require some rendezvous
    to deal with contention/conflicts, but that's easily dealt with).
    That would be my suggestion.

    We use that trick for our route tables in DFly, and also for listen
    socket PCBs to remove choke points, and a few other things like
    statistics gathering.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at>

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