Cleaning up the CDDL import mess

Gordon Tetlow gordon at
Tue Jul 6 03:46:56 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Rui Paulo <rpaulo at> wrote:

> Right now we have four locations for CDDL import code:
> 1) vendor-cddl
> 2) vendor/opensolaris
> 3) vendor-sys/opensolaris
> 4) and... HEAD itself.
> 1) vendor-cddl seems to be the first DTrace import and it's probably ready
> to be svn rm'ed because it creates too much confusion. The first thing
> someone who is looking at CDDL source is to probably look at vendor-cddl and
> I would like to avoid this.
> But I don't know what will happen to the mergeinfo in head/cddl and
> head/sys/cddl (I think no harm will be done).
> 2 and 3) These are the correct locations IMHO and I know that jhb did move
> the code here in the past.
> 4) The ZFS code lives in HEAD, unfortunately. I thought the policy was to
> have a vendor import for vendor code so that we could merge *from* upstream
> more easily. I was told that this is being done to some extent in Perforce,
> but I don't know how acceptable this to the community.
> I need to import some DTrace code into 2 and 3, but I would like to svn rm
> vendor-cddl, if there are no objections.

Sounds reasonable. I would clear it with cvsadm@ (is that the appropriate
list these days?) on the mergeinfo question.


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