Socket not ready problem.

Stefan Lambrev stefan.lambrev at
Wed Jul 9 14:21:26 UTC 2008


I have few apps installed from ports (clamav-milter, spamassassin-milter 
and etc)
which should chown/chmod their socket to allow apps running with 
different user
to connect to them.
The problem is that I see some race here. On SMP machine very often the app
finish it's execution and next chown/chmod is called, but the socket is 
not opened/created at this point.
Which is very annoying because I have to change my rc.d scripts by hand 
every time when I update/upgrade.
And sometimes I forget ...

Can you consider the following patch (or if you like something similar) 
for inclusion which will then allow 
rc.d shell script to call a function to wait for the socket and once 
ready to exit and let chown/chmod start.

The function should be called with 2 parameters - socket path and 
timeout (and we can manage them from rc.conf)

--- /usr/src/etc/rc.subr        2008-05-20 11:00:14.000000000 +0200
+++ /etc/rc.subr        2008-05-26 17:59:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -1569,4 +1569,22 @@


+        _socketpath=$1
+        _timeout=$2
+        if [ -z "${_socketpath}" -o -z "${_timeout}" ]; then
+                err 3 'USAGE: wait_for_socket socketpath timeout'
+        fi
+        while [ ${_timeout} -gt 0 ]
+        do
+                [ -S "${_socketpath}" ] && break
+                echo -n "."
+                sleep 1
+                _timeout=$((${_timeout}-1))
+        done
+        echo


Best Wishes,
Stefan Lambrev
ICQ# 24134177

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