Where do MSI quirks belong?

John Polstra jdp at polstra.com
Sun Nov 19 20:11:24 PST 2006

I have at least one motherboard on which MSI doesn't work.  It's a
Tyan S2721-533, also known as Thunder i7501 Pro.  (When MSI is enabled
and used, it often hangs the system solid.)  It seems like we're going
to need a quirk table to deal with this sort of thing.  I have a
couple of questions before I work on it.

First, I assume that whether MSI works or not is at least partially
a function of the motherboard and maybe the BIOS, as opposed to the
chipset.  Is that right?  At least on this Tyan board, there seem
to be some nice kenv variables (e.g., smbus.planar.product) already
set that could help me recognize the board.  Is that a reasonable

Second, is there already a similar quirk table that I could simply
extend to deal with this, or does it make more sense to create a new

Third, is there already an "initialize the whole PCI subsystem"
function where I could handle the quirk table, or should I add
a new SYSINIT?


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