Proposed addition of malloc_size_np()

Julian Elischer julian at
Mon Mar 27 17:49:05 UTC 2006

Jason Evans wrote:

> John Baldwin wrote:
>> On Sunday 26 March 2006 13:04, Jason Evans wrote:
>>> Robert Watson wrote:
>>>> I wonder if the intuitive objection people are raising is actually 
>>>> with the name.  Since malloc_size() is defined on at least one 
>>>> platform to return the requested size, maybe a name like 
>>>> malloc_allocated_size() (or something a bit more compact) would 
>>>> help avoid that confusion, and make it clear that the consumer is 
>>>> getting back a commitment and not a hint for future realloc(), etc.
>>> Maybe you're right.  We could just call it malloc_usable_size() and 
>>> be compatible with Linux.
>> It would help to know why such a function would be useful. :)  Do you 
>> have
>> a specific use-case?  If the purpose is for a program to see that it 
>> really
>> as Y >= X bytes when it did malloc(X) so that the program can use Y 
>> bytes,
>> that would seem to only be a source of bugs and complexity.  If the 
>> program
>> wants Y bytes, it should malloc(Y).  Many folks in the thread seem to 
>> think
>> that this function would be used for a poor-man's realloc() wrapper or
>> something, and I think such uses would be short-sighted at best.  If 
>> there
>> are other uses such as for having a debug malloc wrap the real one, then
>> that might justify the API, but it is unclear what a useful use of 
>> this API
>> would be.
> I can think of a few straightforward uses:
> 1) Suppose that we are about to write to a string that we know is 
> malloc()ed, and we want to be sure that we aren't overflowing the 
> allocated buffer.  We can add an assertion that the buffer is indeed 
> large enough to contain what is about to be written to it.

Iff it retunrs a numbre greater than teh alocated size, then
this is  a programmer error.. he should have malloc'd a bigger buffer.
On the other hand  malloc_allocated_size (which returns the allocated 
size) might be usefull if
a library which is given a buffer wants to know how much room there is 
in a buffer.

Of course there is nothing saying that we gave the library a pointer to 
the BEGINNING of the buffer
so it should report "distance from the pointer to the end". Doesn't work 
for strings off the stack (alloca())
or static, etc

> 2) Suppose that we are using some sort of dynamically scalable data 
> structure, such as a hash table that we double in size every time 
> fullness crosses some threshold.  In order to do that, we need to know 
> how large the table is.  We can store that information, or we could 
> just query the size.  (In this example, performance constraints might 
> dictate that we actually store the size of the table, but there are 
> certainly similar examples that wouldn't be so concerned with 
> performance.)

As you say.. just store it... though a library wouldn't have access to that.

> 3) This is what I want malloc_usable_size() for: garbage collection.  
> In order for a garbage collector to know when it should run, there 
> needs to be some way of tracking how much memory is in use.  By using 
> dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, ...), I can intercept all malloc/calloc/realloc/free 
> calls and track current memory usage.  However, unless there is a way 
> of  getting the size of each allocation, I don't know how much to 
> subtract from the count for realloc/free calls.
> 4) Porting code from Linux.  Case in point: Xara Xtreme, currently 
> being ported by Vasil Dimov.  At the moment, he has to use dlmalloc.
> Jason
> Following is what I've written for the malloc(3) man page:
> ----
> The malloc_usable_size() function returns the usable size of the 
> allocation pointed to by ptr.  The return value may be larger than the 
> size that was requested during allocation.  malloc_usable_size() is 
> not intended as a mechanism for in-place realloc(), though it can be 
> abused that way; rather it is primarily provided as a tool for 
> introspection purposes.  Any discrepancy between the requested 
> allocation size and the size reported by malloc_usable_size() should 
> not be depended on, since such behavior is entirely 
> implementation-dependent.
> ----
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