Proposed addition of malloc_size_np()

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sat Mar 25 17:40:52 UTC 2006

:have to store the precise allocation request size; it can instead round 
:the request size up internally, then treat the allocation as being of 
:this rounded up size.  By vaguely specifying the return value of 
:malloc_size_np(), we grant the malloc implementation freedom as to 
:whether the size is precisely what was specified during allocation, or 
:some rounded up value.
:I had no intention of suggesting that malloc_size_np() should extend 
:existing allocations, nor change the return value depending on the 
:current state of memory following the allocation pointed to by ptr.

    I'm not sure what benefit this would have, though.  When a program
    calls malloc it generally does so with a good idea as to the number
    of bytes it wants to allocate.  malloc implementations have always
    been free to return more bytes then were requested.   But why would
    any program want to complicate its life and use an API where the 
    potential additional space (which is extremely algorithm-dependant)
    becomes visible to the program?  I'm trying to imagine the number of 
    mistakes programmers would make, with the resulting bugs winding up in
    the program(s), that an integrated implementation would cause. 

    An API like malloc_size_np() would have a very limited usefullness,
    not to mention being inflexible.  Programs are far more likely to 
    want to resize an allocation then to use whatever extra slop space the
    malloc implementation might happened to have included in the original

    A reallocation API like realloc_try() makes a lot more sense.  Not
    only does it cover all aspects of malloc_size_np(), it also gives
    the allocator implementation the flexibility to actually truncate or
    extend an allocation if that happens to be supported by the allocator,
    or not if it doesn't.

:This actually does make some assumptions about the way memory is managed 
:by malloc.  It would not be useful in the context of phkmalloc or 
:jemalloc to truncate an allocation via realloc_try(), because each page 
:of memory contains allocations of only one size class.  Thus, there is 
:no way to re-use the trailing space (exception: multi-page allocations). 
:  This would potentially be useful for dlmalloc (or ptmalloc) though.

    No, it actually doesn't.   Or I should say, uf a program is going to 
    actually try to USE the potential extra space for something, something
    like realloc_try() makes no more assumptions about the malloc
    implementation than malloc_size_np().  The implementation is totally
    free to limit the functionality of realloc_try() to the same slop
    space (if any) that malloc_size_np() returns.

    The difference is that realloc_try() is far closer to what a programmer
    would likely need.  Even for things like slab allocators which have no
    ability to extend or truncate small allocations beyond the chunk size
    of the slab they reside in, many malloc implementations still use
    a different mechanism for larger multi-page allocations and in those
    cases the implementation might actually be able to do something with
    the original allocation.  

    The only real situation that I can think of where a program might want
    to have the option of (optimally) using more or less space then was
    originally requested is the situation where a large chunk of memory,
    such as 32KB, needs to be extended or truncated.  For example, a 
    preprocessor or parser (generating post-parsed output) or linker
    (relocation arrays), or any other program of that nature could benefit.

    I'm still wondering who in their right mind would actually malloc X bytes
    and then use an API call to obtain and actually use the (dynamic,
    ephermal, and completely non-deterministic) Y bytes that the underlying
    implementation reserved, verses simply allocating Y bytes in the first
    place.  It sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.  At least with a
    reallocation API such as realloc_try() the caller can specify a
    requirement that the malloc implementation is either able to meet or not
    able to meet.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at>

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