Subversion? (Re: HEADS UP: Importing csup into base)

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Fri Mar 3 11:22:53 PST 2006

On Fri, 2006-Mar-03 20:03:29 +0100, pfgshield-freebsd at wrote:
>FWIW. I consider moving to subversion an upgrade, not really a drastic change,

An alternative VCS may have technical advantages (atomic commits and
versioned metadata are the two main ones) but unless it allows anyone
to have a local copy of the repository and implements all the CVS
read commands (checkout, diff, history, log, update) indentically to
CVS then it's a drastic change.  Changing the repository name, updating
process or access process means everyone will need to update their
private scripts.

Peter Jeremy

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