Modifying file access time upon exec...

Sergey Babkin babkin at
Fri May 27 09:12:35 PDT 2005

>No, I'm saying that there are filesystems you wouldn't want to mount
>with noatime (/tmp, /var/tmp, /var/mail, /var/spool/*) because some
>software depends on the atime being adjusted.
>But atime over NFS is something you'd usually want to turn off, because
>it can really hurt performance.

As a compromise, would it make sense to make the
atime granularity adjustable? I.e. instead of the 
default microsecond granularity use a 1-second 
granularity. Or a 10-second granularity, so that the 
atime would be adjusted only once per every 10 
seconds. And similarly for mtime, though here
you should obviously be more careful.


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