Handling of shell builtins in make(1)

Harti Brandt hartmut.brandt at dlr.de
Tue May 24 00:32:11 PDT 2005

On Mon, 23 May 2005, Max Okumoto wrote:

MO>Harti Brandt <hartmut.brandt at dlr.de> writes:
MO>> I think all this may be very confusing. The question is what to do. I
MO>> see the following options:
MO>> 1. leave it as it is.
MO>> 2. include the Posix reserved words and builtins into the list.
MO>> 3. include all reserved words and builtins of our shell into the list.
MO>4. Extend .SHELL: to allow specifing a list of built-in.  And then
MO>   we should define them in bsd.sys.mk or some other config file.

Sure. That code is ready already. The question is what list of builtins do 
we include per-default?


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