if_data size issues

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu Sep 2 01:06:20 PDT 2004

In message: <20040902000637.GA4120 at odin.ac.hmc.edu>
            Brooks Davis <brooks at one-eyed-alien.net> writes:
:  - After 5.3 is released, declare that upgrades to 6.0 from releases
:    other then 4.x (x>=11) and 5.y (y>=3) require special handling and
:    allow if_data to grow as demand requires.

There have long been plans to remove support to upgrade to 6.0 from
4.x, and I plan on moving forward with those plans after the 5.3
branch.  There are a large number of hacks in place to allow upgrading
all the way back to the 4.0 branch point, and these hacks have been
the source of a lot of frustration and gnashing of teeth over the
years.  By right of conquest (eg writing the legacy library and
working with both sides of this issue for litterally years), and by
general consensus of the folks that do the grunt work to make it
possible to upgrade, I think that desupporting upgrade to 6.0 from
anything less than 5.2 (or maybe 5.1 for a time) is a reasonable path
to follow.  Given that the rest of the build system support for
upgrades will be limited, I'm not sure the benefit of supporting the
upgrade from 4.11 to 6.  We never really supported upgrading from
3.5.1 to 5.0-Release, for example.


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