if_data size issues

Garance A Drosihn drosih at rpi.edu
Wed Sep 1 18:49:51 PDT 2004

At 2:56 PM -0700 9/1/04, Julian Elischer wrote:
>Garance A Drosihn wrote:
>>We could certainly install the fix from Peter in the
>>4.10-stable and 4.10-errata branches, for instance.  It shouldn't
>>hurt anything to have that fix installed ASA-SufficientlyTested.
>And people upgrading from (say) 4.8 ? (we have 1000 machines on
>4.8 in active production.. i.e. no patches.. no changes.. no nothing
>except when approved in tripplicate  and with your first-born held
>as hostage in case they need you to back it out)

I am just saying that we do not *hurt* anyone or anything if we add
the fix to 4.10-stable and 4.10-errata.  I do also realize that it
does not help everyone, either.  I'm just thinking we might as well
get the fix in as-soon-as-practical.

In a later message, Brooks Davis wrote:
>Given the pain this change is causing and the limited impact of
>reducing the precision of ifi_epoch, I propose the following:
>  - Back out the ifi_epoch addition.
>  - MT5 and MT4 Peter's size change.
>  - Turn ifi_unused into ifi_epoch.

Given the time-constraints in that we want a solution "right now",
these seem like good ideas.

>  - After 5.3 is released, declare that upgrades to 6.0 from releases
>    other then 4.x (x>=11) and 5.y (y>=3) require special handling
>    and allow if_data to grow as demand requires.
>  - If additional precision is deemed necessary at some future date,
>    add a second ifi_epoch_tv.

We do not have to come to an agreement on these steps until we are
ready to make additional changes to the structure.  Something along
these lines seems reasonable to me, but I don't think that we have
to declare any specific timetables right now.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at rpi.edu

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