newbus flaw

Doug Rabson dfr at
Tue May 11 08:08:13 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 15:39, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> I've found what I believe is a serious flaw in newbus.
> When a driver that has a DEVICE_IDENTIFY method is loaded, the
> identify method is called.  If it finds supported hardware, it uses
> BUS_ADD_CHILD to notify the parent bus of the presence of that
> hardware.  At some later point, during a bus rescan, the attach
> routine is called for each device that was identified in this manner.
> When the driver is unloaded, the device is detached, but it remains on
> the bus's list of child devices.  The next time the module is loaded,
> its DEVICE_IDENTIFY method is called again, and incorrectly adds a
> second child device to the bus, because it does not know that one
> already exists.
> There is no way for DEVICE_IDENTIFY to check if a matching child
> already exists on the bus, or for the module's event handler to unlist
> the child when unloading.
> The first time you load the module, you get foo0; the second time, you
> get foo0 *and* foo1 referencing the same physical device; the third
> time, you get foo0, foo1, and foo2, etc.
> I've also seen something similar happen when multiple ndis drivers are
> loaded; the first one re-attaches to the hardware when the second one
> is loaded.

This is a known problem. The 'right' solution is to add a new static
method to the device interface which is the opposite of IDENTIFY (e.g.
UNIDENTIFY). One way to get around the problem is to do something like:

void foo_identify(driver_t *driver, device_t parent)
	device_t child;
	child = device_find_child(parent, "foo", 0);
	if (!child)
		BUS_ADD_CHILD(parent, 0, "foo", 0);

Alternatively, you can add a module handler:

static device_t foo;

void foo_identify(driver_t *driver, device_t parent)
	foo = BUS_ADD_CHILD(parent, 0, "foo", -1);


int foo_module_handler(struct module *mod, int what, void *arg)
	if (what == MOD_UNLOAD && foo)
		device_delete_child(device_get_parent(foo), foo);


DRIVER_MODULE(foo, bar, foo_driver, foo_devclass, foo_module_handler,

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