fflush() on readonly files

Andrey Chernov ache at nagual.pp.ru
Sat Jun 19 13:30:00 GMT 2004

On Sat, Jun 19, 2004 at 05:07:18PM +0400, Andrey Chernov wrote:
> > - BSD since Torek's stdio rewrite (inc. FreeBSD and Mac OS X) indicate
> >   an error.
> We need to fix just fflush() case only, left other rewrite parts 
> untouched.
> if ((fp->_flags & (__SWR | __SRW)) == 0) 
> 	retval = 0;
> > There is no reason to change from the perfectly correct & well-documented
> > behaviour BSD has had for 10-15 years. The original poster's example provides
> > a good argument for this: it detects application bugs.
> I agree.

It may sounds confusing. I mean I want to return to pre-Torek stdio 
rewrite state Unix (and BSD?) have for years. With big number of apps 
writen for Linux today nobody want to detect such "bugs" for the sake of 
standards vagueness but want to have working app.

Andrey Chernov | http://ache.pp.ru/

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