Things to remove from /rescue

Ceri Davies setantae at
Thu Jul 17 01:46:24 PDT 2003

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 01:43:33AM -0700, John-Mark Gurney wrote:
> David O'Brien wrote this message on Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 01:08 -0700:
> > - ipfw & natd & ipf & ipfs & ipfstat & ipmon & ipnan, why would one needs
> >   these?  /rescue is to fix a borked /, not replace PicoBSD.
> ipfw I can see as useful.  If you have a kernel that defaults to closed,
> and you need to access the network, then this is a problem.  If we had
> a loader tunable to make a closed firewall open, then this wouldn't be
> needed, but then we introduce the fun security hole of /boot/loader.conf
> munging, which is minor...  if someone can modify /boot/loader.conf, you
> have bigger fish to fry..

There's the net.inet.ip.fw.enable sysctl.

I'm also dubious about /rescue/vi;  does this actually work when / is hosed?


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