FreeBSD Port: www/mod_python3

olli hauer ohauer at
Fri Nov 8 20:15:19 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-08 18:11, Sam wrote:
> Hi! Just wondering if it would be possible to update mod_python in the
> FreeBSD ports to 3.4.1 which is the latest version as of October 23rd,
> 1013. It can be found here:
> You are listed as the maintainer of this port but if I should be
> asking someone else or going about this in a different way please let
> me know.

Normally the maintainers are getting a New Version mail but here the
distribution place has changed from apache to the project site so
the new version was not detected ...

I've done a quick test and it seems at first the official distfile
is not really usable to build packages.

For example in the official source they try to resolve the version via git,
this will work maybe on the dev system but not in clean build environments

+       @MP_GIT_SHA=$$(git describe --always); \
+       echo > version.c ; \
+       echo "/* THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY Makefile */" >> version.c ; \
+       echo "#include \"mp_version.h\"" >> version.c ; \
+       echo "const char * const mp_git_sha = \"$${MP_GIT_SHA}\";" >> version.c ; \

Arrrg, even no Changelog entry

+.. _changes:
... old version changes ...

Perhaps the version 3.4.1 could become a testing port but with such issues
I see after the first look no reason to replace 3.3.1 with 3.4.1.


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