ports/163521: [exp-run] Change the Apache License acronym from ASL to AL2

Olli Hauer ohauer at FreeBSD.org
Wed Dec 28 22:42:57 UTC 2011

On 2011-12-28 18:27, Chris Rees wrote:
> On 28 December 2011 02:03, Philip M. Gollucci <pgollucci at taximagic.com> wrote:
>> Go for it.  While you're at it you might consider AL1 which may still be in
>> use places.
> Hm, would that be under
> as well? I just used a regex to replace all occurrences of ASL with AL2...

Hm, maybe we should use AL10 AL11 and AL20 instead of AL2.
This give more freedom if the license change for example to 2.1 and we can cover the older Apache license.

I even think if portmgr@ extends in the first step Mk/bsd.licenses.db.mk we do not need an exp-run.
If all the ports have the correct Apache License portmgr@ can remove ASL from Mk/bsd.licenses.db.mk.
This gives time to check all affected ports for the right License version (I just started a download of all affected sources)

Only issue I'm not a layer so defining the _LICENSE_GROUPS_AL10/11 should be done by someone who has good knowledge ...


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