which apache?

JK jdkullmann at aliencamel.com
Fri Dec 30 19:59:01 PST 2005

Sorry about this most basic question but I just installed 6.0 and in 
ports i see apache, apache20 and apache21

I thought I had also seen apache22 somewhere

What is the proper way for me to know which is the latest apache2? 
 I'm running 5.1 with aolserver and want to add PHP and MySQL along 
with a postfix mail server so I'm taking the opportunity to fully 
upgrade to 6.0 and I only want to do it once since my server is 3000 
miles away from me :)

I thought that the port with just the name, e.g.  'emacs', or 
'apache',  was the latest but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Is there a standard for this?

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