New port/74038: mod_shapvh

Tobias Roth roth at
Thu Nov 18 01:19:36 PST 2004

On Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 09:35:28AM +0100, Steven Looman wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, I guess so. Unless this is not appropriate? Some other www/mod_ ports have the same maintainer.

you yourself should be the maintainer. meaning that you are responsible
for keeping the port up to date when new versions of the original app are
released or when the port breaks for some other reason (eg gcc updates). 
the latter happens quite rarely.

if you specify apache at, this means the apache guys are
responsible, but no one in specific. this is generally a bad idea as
we already have enough ports without a maintainer (those that list
ports at as their maintainer).

cheers, t.

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