Very slow performance while compiling/using X software on AMD64/Nforce3 7.0-CURRENT

Julien Cassignol freebsd-amd64 at
Fri Mar 23 18:41:56 UTC 2007

Roland Smith wrote:

> Try enlarging the sound driver's DMA buffer, as documented on the
> following page:

# sysctl -a | grep pcm
dev.pcm.0.buffersize: 16384
dev.pcm.0.vchans: 4
dev.pcm.0.vchanrate: 48000
dev.pcm.0.vchanformat: s16le

Still clicking, unfortunately. But it's a little better it seems. It's less sensitive, but when I launch firefox, for 
example, still hearable.

For example, I rebooted with your suggestion. Played some music, launched firefox (clic-clic), exited firefox : 2 
seconds of lag with no music.

Julien Cassignol

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