Supermicro H8DA8

JoaoBR joao at
Thu Nov 30 04:08:45 PST 2006

On Thursday 30 November 2006 09:32, Pete French wrote:

> Not a rumour - take a look here:
> Thats my board, but the other reported board was the
> H8DA8-O

In first place thanks for answering. Seems nobody touched 
your PR ... I also saw other threads describing appearently 
the same problem. But I got this kind of problem often with 
SMP and not only with opterons and SCSI but also with 
athlon dual-cores. But until now I got all resolved with 
setting the Bios better and sometimes even with changing 
pci-slot position.
Even if it says nothing I have some Tyan Dual opterons and 
the MBs have the same chipset the Supermicro has and they 
run fine.
But seems nobody runs this supermicro board at all :(
But on the amd64 MB list is one tested with 6.0-B saying is 
working ...



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