amd64/99385: sucessful test of RAID on ga-k8n51GMF-9 motherboard

Brian Reichert reichert at
Fri Jun 23 17:50:22 UTC 2006

>Number:         99385
>Category:       amd64
>Synopsis:       sucessful test of RAID on ga-k8n51GMF-9 motherboard
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-amd64
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Jun 23 17:50:16 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Brian Reichert
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE amd64
System: FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May 7 04:04:14 UTC 2006 root at amd64


  In reviewing:

  I note that the RAID is considered untested.  I've been able to
  install 6.1-R on a mirrored RAID volume.

  The BIOS and RAID utlilties were bit bit obtuse, but I was able
  to get a RAID volume up and bootable.  In the RAID utility in
  particular, you had to expressly set a 'bootable' flag for the
  boot process to see it.

  One item of note: this motherboard supports four SATA drives.  It
  has two pairs of SATA ports, usefully lableled 1-2, 3-4.  I found
  that if I used ports 1+2, FreeBSD could only see one of the two
  drives.  If I used ports 1+3, FreeBSD could see both drives.

  If I tried to build a RAID with ports 1+2, FreeBSD could see the
  volume, but only one drive, and complained a lot.

  My current config: two 250G SATA 2 drives, in ports 1+3, in a
  mirrored volume.  Snippets from dmesg:

ata2-master: pio=PIO4 wdma=WDMA2 udma=UDMA133 cable=40 wire
ad4: 238474MB <Seagate ST3250824AS 3.AAD> at ata2-master SATA300
ad4: 488395055 sectors [484518C/16H/63S] 16 sectors/interrupt 1 depth queue
******** ATA nVidia MediaShield Metadata ********
nvidia_id           <NVIDIA  >
config_size         30
checksum            0xede8c579
version             0x0064
disk_number         0
dummy_0             0x00
total_sectors       488395008
sectors_size        512
serial              MIRROR   232.88G
dummy_1             0x00000000
magic_0             0x00640044
magic_1             0x557a925c3cb22c4d
magic_2             0x61b30330621f01db
flags               0x03
array_width         1
total_disks         2
dummy_2             0x01
type                RAID1
dummy_3             0x0000
stripe_sectors      128
stripe_bytes        65536
stripe_shift        7
stripe_mask         0x0000007f
stripe_sizesectors  128
stripe_sizebytes    65536
rebuild_lba         0
dummy_4             0x00000081
dummy_5             0x1d1c5100
status              0x00000001
ata4-master: pio=PIO4 wdma=WDMA2 udma=UDMA133 cable=40 wire
ad8: 238474MB <Seagate ST3250824AS 3.AAD> at ata4-master SATA300
ad8: 488395055 sectors [484518C/16H/63S] 16 sectors/interrupt 1 depth queue
******** ATA nVidia MediaShield Metadata ********
nvidia_id           <NVIDIA  >
config_size         30
checksum            0xede7c479
version             0x0064
disk_number         1
dummy_0             0x00
total_sectors       488395008
sectors_size        512
serial              MIRROR   232.88G
dummy_1             0x00000100
magic_0             0x00640044
magic_1             0x557a925c3cb22c4d
magic_2             0x61b30330621f01db
flags               0x03
array_width         1
total_disks         2
dummy_2             0x01
type                RAID1
dummy_3             0x0000
stripe_sectors      128
stripe_bytes        65536
stripe_shift        7
stripe_mask         0x0000007f
stripe_sizesectors  128
stripe_sizebytes    65536
rebuild_lba         0
dummy_4             0x00000081
dummy_5             0x1d1c5100
status              0x00000001
GEOM: new disk ad4
GEOM: new disk ad8


ATA PseudoRAID loaded
********** ATA PseudoRAID ar0 Metadata **********
format              nVidia MediaShield
type                RAID1
flags               0x01 1<READY>
magic_0             0x557a925c3cb22c4d
magic_1             0x61b30330621f01db
generation          0
total_sectors       488395008
offset_sectors      0
heads               255
sectors             63
cylinders           30401
width               1
interleave          128
total_disks         2
    disk 0:      flags = 0x0b b<ONLINE,ASSIGNED,PRESENT>
        ad4:  sectors 488395008
    disk 1:      flags = 0x0b b<ONLINE,ASSIGNED,PRESENT>
        ad8:  sectors 488395008
ar0: 238474MB <nVidia MediaShield RAID1> status: READY
ar0: 488395008 sectors [30401C/255H/63S] <> subdisks defined as:
ar0: disk0 READY (master) using ad4 at ata2-master
ar0: disk1 READY (mirror) using ad8 at ata4-master
GEOM: new disk ar0



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