Plextor DVDRW not recognized during install

Brooks Davis brooks at
Wed Dec 13 10:41:27 PST 2006

On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 10:12:37PM -0500, Josh Abbe wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> First of all, I hope I am doing this (sending a mass email) correctly.  I
> didn't see any instructions or guidelines, so here goes:
> I am trying to install FreeBSD 6.1 (Amd64).  I am a complete newbie, but I
> thought I would be able to do it following the FreeBSD Hand Book.  Well,
> everything looked like it was going fine.  I chose a language/country, set
> the auto configuration for the HDD partitions, and eventually got to the
> screen that asked me to choose which media to install from.  I chose
> CD/DVD.  Then, it gave me an error saying that the system could not detect
> my CD drive.  Weird...since it seemed to know the drive was there to get me
> to that point.
> Right now, installing over FTP is not an option.  I posted my problem in a
> FreeBSD forum, but no one seemed to have any solutions other than to send an
> email to the DL (as I am doing now).
> The drive I am trying to install off of is the (SATA) Plextor DVDRW (PX -
> 716A/SW)
> I have an ASUS A8N32-SLI mobo, an 80 Gb WD SATA HDD (where FreeBSD will go),
> a 150 Gb WD Raptor X (with Win XP currently installed), an AMD FX-60
> dual-core proc (2.6Ghz), a GeForce 7900 GTX, 2GB Corsair memory, Sound
> Blaster X-Fi, etc...  I cant think of any more parts that would make a
> difference.

ATAPI SATA devices are not yet supported, sorry.  You'll need to get a
PATA drive for now.

-- Brooks
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