Actual benefits of amd64 over i386

Michael Hopkins michael.hopkins at
Fri May 13 05:52:29 PDT 2005

On 13/5/05 1:45 pm, "Kris Kennaway" <kris at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 12:55:52PM -0700, Steve Kargl wrote:
>> On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 08:43:46PM +0100, Michael Hopkins wrote:
>>> I have been suffering quite a bit of frustration recently with many ports
>>> that I need being 'i386 only' and no straightforward fixes.  Maybe amd64
>>> could be described as 'tier 1.5'  ;o)
>> Look in the port's Makefile for the i386 only flag.  Remove it
>> and trying building on amd64.  Many ports run fine, but the
>> porter either does not have access to amd64 or the port simply
>> has not been tested on amd64.
> Make sure to submit PRs if you find any.
> Kris

Unfortunately, as I was saying to Steve, almost all the ones that I have
tried this with really are broken.  The only exceptions I can remember were
linux-base & linux-devtools which I patched locally and then reported here.
I believe someone then took over and adjusted the official makefile



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