Abiword crashes on save

Damian Gerow dgerow at afflictions.org
Wed Mar 23 20:42:38 PST 2005

Thus spake Sean McNeil (sean at mcneil.com) [23/03/05 14:43]:
: Can anyone else test this on an amd64 system to verify my results:
: Open Abiword.
: File->"New using template..."
: select Fax-coversheet.awt
: hit the save button.
: Any feedback would be appreciated.

I can't get it to open a document...  Hitting the 'open' button causes a
core dump.  It seems to be somewhere in threading, but depending on how I go
about debugging it, I get a different location for the crash.

I'm still meaning to re-compile world with debugging support, then
re-compile all required ports as well, to help debug this a bit more.

  - Damian

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