Sound/volume control problem

Oliver Lehmann lehmann at
Thu Jun 23 19:35:51 GMT 2005

Ryan R. wrote:

> Is this a FreeBSD error, or a user error?  Is there anything that I could
> try to fix the problem?  Thanks.

That is a xmms error. In Output/esd/mixer.c and Output/OSS/mixer.c, ioctl
is called with a int declared request argument. Regarding to the ioctl
manpage it has to be long instead of int. On 32bit platforms that doesn't
matter since int has the same size than long has. On 64bit platforms int
and long differs. I made two patches to multimedia/beep-media-player
which are fixing those problems in bmp. They should be easily adoptable
for xmms since bmp is a xmms fork.

for reference:


 Oliver Lehmann

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