workstation mobo

Ken Gunderson kgunders at
Fri Aug 12 14:58:29 GMT 2005

Greets All:

I'm liking these amd opteron servers so much that I am considering
building an amd based workstationn.  Assumed it would be Athalon based
but in searching archives I note that some folks seem to prefer the
opterons for workstation use. Perhaps to some degree in reaction
to the "chipset mess".  I'm not averse to spending a bit more for the
opteron system but it seems to me the Opteron's CPU heatsink/fan might
be a bit noisy for workstation use.  And I have buddies shouting in my
ear to "stick w/ Intel" for workstation.  But then I also know others
who run AMD for their desktop machines.  Any recommends based on current
state of affairs in the ADM hardware world?  


Best regards,

Ken Gunderson

Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
A: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?

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