designing new freebsd server for amd64 arch

Gary Mu1der gmulder at
Tue Apr 19 10:27:57 PDT 2005


As I said, I'm not definitively certain this was the bge interface. ipf 
was loaded, but was configured to pass all for all interfaces on the 

We were just ssh'd into the system so load was non-existent. A few weeks 
ago we transferred 20GB of data via rsync to the system with no issues.

Established ssh connections were fine, nmap reported that ssh was 
listening on port 22, but no new ssh connection to the system would 
complete. Using telnet to connect to port 22 didn't get any response.

Rebooting the system didn't fix the problem. We had to power cycle the 
system before it fixed itself.


Tom Shafron wrote:
> How often did this occur for you?  What was the use
> for the light testing (how man connections/sec and
> Mb/sec)?  I'm trying to figure out if the testing I've
> done would have shown this issue already or not...
> I haven't gone live with the server yet so have only
> been using it for beta testing... I did quite a few
> bursts at about 50Mbps and 1200 conns/sec for about 1
> minute at a time and didn't have any problems and
> since then it's been running at much lower traffic
> (maybe 1 connection every 30 seconds).  It's been up
> for a couple of weeks with no apparent issues/hangs...
> but as I said it hasn't been under much strain yet...
> --- Gary Mu1der <gmulder at> wrote:
>>I'm not certain that this is definitively the bge
>>interface, but even in 
>>light testing we've had the bge interface
>>mysteriously hang. We had to 
>>power the entire server off and then on. Not even a
>>soft reboot fixed 
>>the interface.

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