Mysterious hangs

EirikØverby ltning at
Wed Apr 13 00:44:39 PDT 2005

Sorry, this was meant for the amd64 list.
Got another report for this list. Confused the addresses.

On 13-04-05 07:28, "Eirik Øverby" <ltning at> wrote:

> Hi,
> For some time I've been seeing infrequent and seemingly random hangs on my
> dual opteron system. Motherboard is Tyan K8S Pro. Until now I thought it was a
> "hard" hang, but I've got serial console hooked up and BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER, DDB
> and KDB in the kernel, and when sending a break through telnet I get:
> telnet> send brk 
> KDB: enter: Line break on console
> And nothing more. Which means the box is sort of alive, but fails to present
> even the kernel debugger. The machine is currently on 5.4 as of yesterday.
> It's been hanging before (with anything from days to weeks between), under
> various variations of 5.x, but I haven't had the serial console before now.
> Has any one seen this before? Any ideas what I could look at? I suspected
> hardware, but it seems that isn't the case as most HW errors I've seen would
> cause a total freeze.
> Here's to hoping.
> Thanks,
> /Eirik

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