Status web page?

Tim Robbins tjr at
Thu Jun 10 08:32:19 GMT 2004

On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 01:05:18AM -0700, Sean McNeil wrote:

> Linux compatability.  I've read emails about a possible Linux/amd64
> compatability.  The old grey matter is failing me, though, about the
> details.  Don't recall anything about Linux/i386 other than, perhaps, a
> mention in passing in emails.  My guess is that once i386 compatability
> is mature enough, Linux/i386 compat should follow relatively soon
> after.  Don't have a clue about Linux/amd64 compatability.

I've been working on Linux/i386 compatibility for the last day or two, and may
eventually get around to doing Linux/amd64 if there is enough interest.
I'm at the stage now where I can run many moderately-complex programs,
including most of GNU coreutils from Slackware -current.

$ uname -srm
FreeBSD 5.2-tjr amd64
$ file /compat/linux/bin/echo
/compat/linux/bin/echo: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
$ /compat/linux/bin/uname -srm
Linux 2.4.2 amd64
$ /compat/linux/bin/echo hello from amd64
hello from amd64

I may post patches for testing in a week or so.


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