SPAM: Score 3.7: Re: Instead of freebsd. com, why not...

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Wed Feb 16 21:51:44 PST 2005

Anthony Atkielski wrote:

>Nikolas Britton writes:
>>Care to extrapolate on your comment?
>I've already done so, several times.
No, you haven't or I didn't see it.

>>You'll need X just to install Oracle on your server.
>Oracle?  I thought the big deal with software like FreeBSD was that it
>is open source, and free.  And you want me to buy and install Oracle on
>it?  Or has Oracle been released to the free open-source world?
One reason would be that it's required for the Compiere open source 
ERP/CRM software package. They are tring to port it to PostgreSQL and 
Sybase but those are a long way off because they need $20,000 to do it:

>What's wrong with something like MySQL?
Umm where do I start... :-) I'm quite happy with PostgreSQL and can't 
use MySQL anyways because SQL-Ledger doesn't support MySQL because MySQL 
is lacking required features.

>>Typically I install X (and nothing else, like;
>>WM, desktop, gtk, qt, fonts, etc.) and links on my servers. This is 
>>because it's sometimes useful to do your googling (etc.) for why your 
>>server isn't working right at the server and for 
>>administering/installing web apps. text mode browsers just suck.
>I like lynx.  Simple and fast and secure.  And Google works very well
>with lynx.

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