workstations aren't always the same as desktops

.VWV. victorvittorivonwiktow at
Tue Mar 2 17:24:57 PST 2004

---- Original Message ----
From: "Jeremy C. Reed" <reed at>
To: ".VWV." <victorvittorivonwiktow at>
Cc: <freebsd-advocacy at>
Sent: Wednesday, 03 March, 2004 01:57
Subject: Re: workstations aren't always the same as desktops

> I have been using bochs off and on the past couple months. It works fine
> for me (although slow).

This is a potential bomb, because people of Apple seem don't want to release
the necessary, in order tu run Apple-dedicated commercial stuff on other
platforms, even if the o.s. is FreeBSD based.
As for speed, running WIN code will ever be a bastard solution, but it seems
there is no alternative as for commercial applications.
It is a nonsense, but business always mangles technology. What kind of virus
has infected Steve Jobs' mind, supposed it was somewhat healthy years ago?


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