FreeBSD Revamped Look 'n' feel: Feedback appreciated!

Vulpes Velox kitbsdlist2 at
Mon Sep 15 09:48:21 PDT 2003

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 15:25:29 +1000
"Nigel Weeks" <nigel at> wrote:

> ... People that judge
> > FreeBSD by
> > it's website, well, they can go back to their flash and glam
> > Microsoft
> > or RedHat sites. As far as I can tell, those people are going
> > to be the
> > ones that ask questions on the questions@ mailing lists
> > without looking
> > at the documentation first. That's about the level of stupidity and
> > laziness involved.
> Unfortunately, mentioning this is counter-productive when said in possible
> future client meetings...;-)
> Oh yeah, it's true. Too true.
> But what can you do? We need these people to survive...
> Perhaps...keep as it is, but build as the
> commercial/upper-management-tailored/abstracted from technical/whizz-bang
> site...

Yeah, building one for the brain dead could be useful. It would allow us to
attract those that don't understand proffesionalism in least... such as upper
management, who tend to think looks are the only thing that matter.

> I dunno. I just know it'd be easier to sell, if people were impressed from
> first glance. Seems shallow, yes, but might work?, maybe.

Yeah, it would. But then we would have a site just a ugly and useless as the
redhat site. Which if you want to create, yeah sure have fun.

> Has anyone got better sales-tips, not tuned for sysadmins?

It is free. It is powerful. It is stable, thus little time wasted on it not
being down and thus not productive. Secure, less chance of it being compramised.

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