Emitting keyboard events

Xīcò xico at atelo.org
Thu May 1 21:03:51 UTC 2014

Dear freebsd-acpi,

Being a systemd refugee, I am trying to setup FreeBSD on several
machines here. As a first question, I cannot find any driver to handle
the hotkeys on a 2011 Sony VPCZ2. sys/dev/acpi_support/acpi_sony.c only
contains backlight support for old laptops. Is anyone aware of such a

In any case, I started playing a bit with ACPI in a module, and have
been able to register a handler for the hotkeys, and decode the
associated events. Unfortunately, I have no idead of what I could do
with them. At some point, I would like Xorg to receive keyboard events,
such as XF86MonBrightnessUp, but I lack the knowledge on how to emit
that from kernel space.

Thank you for your help!



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