Fwd: T60 resumes (!) into panic with 9.0-BETA2

Любомир Григоров nm.knife at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 00:48:41 UTC 2011

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От: Любомир Григоров <nm.knife at gmail.com>
Дата: 08 септември 2011 17:47
Тема: Re: T60 resumes (!) into panic with 9.0-BETA2
До: Sulev-Madis Silber <madis555 at hot.ee>

As said earlier and discussed in this topic I asked long ago

32bit and SMP suspend/resume lacks enough code to wake up the cores.

I had a X60 and now have a T60 and I don't think I want to invest in a plain
CPU upgrade. I rather swap the motherboard with a T61 (X61 for X-series).
That way I can get up to Penryn and 8GB memory and have a viable laptop in
the next 5+ years. Or better yet just get a newer laptop if widescreen is
not a problem for you.

2011/9/7 Sulev-Madis Silber <madis555 at hot.ee>

> Oh, I really forgot the issue about SMP.
> Turns out that it indeed works either with i386 + UP or with amd64 + SMP
> Now I need to think is it worth to upgrade, err... I mean sidegrade, to
> amd64 or not.
> Only because suspend with SMP?!
> Machine is 1.83GHz C2D, 2GB RAM. No real benefits.
> Need to think, there is some old patch that fixes i386 + SMP and there are
> someone who only needs more time to complete this task. I'm not quite ready
> yet for this kind of hackery myself.
> Anyway, the issue is partly "solved", so to say.
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