help freebsd project

William Grzybowski william88 at
Tue Aug 28 03:40:23 PDT 2007

*i am resending this mail because i guess the last one didnt arrived on the
acpi list

Hi all,

Well, I am a university student in the second year with a reasonable
knowledge in C and would like to help in anyway the FreeBSD project,
specially acpi.
I don't know much about it at all but could be a nice opportunity to learn
about things which I always liked, starting with small stuff, of course, and
help the community.
So, would be nice to know your opinion about it, if it sounds
reasonable/possible, anything...

Thanks :)


William Grzybowski
Jabber: william88 at gmail dot com
Msn: william.grz at hotmail dot com

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