HP d530 - no ACPI per default? thermal missing?

Ewald Jenisch a at jenisch.at
Wed Feb 9 02:10:00 PST 2005


I've got a rather strange problem with one of my machines:

1) The system comes up with ACPI disabled per default; i.e. from the
loader menu the default entry starts up with ACPI turned off. Only
when I manually select "start with ACPI enabled" from the loader-menu
I get ACPI enabled, i.e. acpi.ko loaded. 

Sure enough when I set "acpi_load="YES"" in /boot/loader.conf I can
force ACPI to be loaded but I wonder why doesn't this box come up with
ACPI turned on like almost all recent machines?

2) When running with ACPI enabled I noticed that the output of "sysctl
-a" doesn't show anything about the "thermal"-part of ACPI. Is this
OK? Shouldn't it be there once ACPI is enabled=

For the hardware/software:

HP d530 with latest (2.43) BIOS
P4 3GHz

FreeBSD 5.3 with up to date kernel. The kernel is an SMP-Kernel in
order to get hyperthreading support. Please note though that ACPI
behaves the same (i.e. not turned on by default, and no thermal
values) with a non-SMP-kernel.

I've uploaded the following outputs for your reference:

a) Output of "boot -v" with ACPI enabled:

b) Output of "boot -v" with ACPI disabled:

c) sysctl hw.acpi-output:

d) "sysctl -a | grep acpi"-output:

e) Output of "acpidump -t -d":

Thanks much in advance for your help,

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