hp ze4560 thermal problem

Dan Cojocar dan at zeus.ubbcluj.ro
Thu Jun 3 12:49:32 GMT 2004

	I have a hp ze4560us notebook, i'm running current and i'm having problems with cooling system. 
	The cooler is running nonstop but the reported temperature is always high, beetween 70 and 75C and in win the average temparature is 55-60C and the fan is running from time to time, and if i increase the ec.pool_timeout to 1000 then i will get a message like this:
		WARNING - current temperature (138.0C) exceeds safe limits
	Followed by a shutdown, i get this only when ec.pool_timeout is set to 1000, if i let the default value i will get AE_NO_HARDWARE_RESPONSE and everything seems ok, only that the temperature is around 70C and the fan is running :(.
	I noticed that my hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.active is set -1 and i can't change this value, what is this meaning?
	Please see my dmesg, asl dump, and sysctl -a hw.acpi here: http://cs.ubbcluj.ro/~dan/acpi/
	Please note that i have the last bios version for this hp model.
		I apreciate all your help, thanks.

Ps. please excuse my english 

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