Keeping PCMCIA card powered while in S3

M. Warner Losh imp at
Sat Dec 11 16:11:51 PST 2004

In message: <1102804150.2640.4.camel at RabbitsDen>
            "Alexandre \"Sunny\" Kovalenko" <Alex.Kovalenko at> writes:
: is there any chance to keep PCMCIA firewire card powered when machine
: goes into S3 mode, or at least push poweroff as far as possible. The 
: reason for the question is that I am trying to debug S3 mode and do not
: have any other usable means on this laptop.
: Any suggestions, especially RTFMs with FM pointers are welcome.

Right now the pccard suspend methods detach the cards.  In general, it
isn't possible to know if the card is replaced while the system is
suspended, and there are some reinitialization issues that doing this
"fixes".  If you remove the detach from the suspend path, that's a
first set.  The next step may be to hack whatever driver(s) you are
interested in to properly reinitialize.  There may be some power
issues as well.  src/sys/dev/pccard is a good place to start looking.


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