cvs commit: src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/etc/rc.d dhclient

Martin Blapp mb at
Mon Jul 28 06:00:18 PDT 2003


> This is something we'll probably want to play by ear -- trading off boot
> time and making sure that the right services are there to support various
> kinds of activities.  I think part of the real solution is likely to
> improve the behavior of some of our applications in the presence of
> changing network configuration.  A few more apps probably need to learn
> about routing sockets so they can pick up IP address change notifications,
> interface arrival/departure, etc.

That would make sense. The same thing happens if you use zebra (gated
replacement). The system does not behave very well if you don't add
manually about 20 sleep seconds in the rc script !

With dhclient, the problem is really not that bad. Within 3 seconds
you normally get the lease. Which means, that we could add a script
which checks, if the dhclient interface has a adress (or even
check if the default route is set), and then sleeps and blocks the
boot process.  The applications which really need this could rely
then on the script. And all other setups without this would boot

Just some thoughts ...


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