cvs commit: ports/databases/postgresql-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

Sean Chittenden seanc at
Mon Nov 17 14:59:51 PST 2003

> seanc       2003/11/17 13:23:55 PST
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Modified files:
>     databases/postgresql-devel Makefile distinfo pkg-plist 
>   Log:
>   Given that 7.4's release is imminent, start tracking the 7.5 code base
>   which already has some slick improvements (now uses ARC and not LRU for
>   cache).

Heads up: initdb has been rewritten in C, so if anyone has any
problems, please let me know.  I don't know if it was because of the
statfs change or cp(1) trying to mmap() zero length files, but in the
event of a problem, recompile cp(1) and you should be good to go.
This bit me and was a tad confusing to debug/figure out.  -sc

Sean Chittenden

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