cvs commit: ports/net/cacti Makefile distinfo

Sergey Matveychuk sem at
Wed Jan 18 09:37:04 PST 2006

sem         2006-01-18 17:37:03 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    net/cacti            Makefile distinfo 
  - Add four vendor patches:
  1. Device Filter Clear Issue
     This patch fixes an issue where attempting to clear a filter
     would result in the filter still being active.
  2. Invalid SQL When Creating Graphs
     This patch fixes an problem where an invalid SQL statement
     would be executed when generating graphs.
  3. Additional Error Checking for Nth Percentile
     This adds more checking concerning rrd fetch returning an empty
     set on a non-existant rrd file, resulting in a php warning about
     invalid index.
  4. MySQL 5.x Strict Mode Compatibility
     Allows MySQL 5.x to utilize the default "strict" sql_mode.
     As an added benefit, this patch also automatically calculates
     the maximum speed of your interface graphs preventing gigabit
     interfaces from being overrun.
  Reminded by:    demon
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.22      +5 -2      ports/net/cacti/Makefile
  1.16      +12 -0     ports/net/cacti/distinfo

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