cvs commit: src/sys/sys event.h src/sys/kern kern_event.c vfs_aio.c

Doug Ambrisko ambrisko at
Thu Mar 17 18:41:48 PST 2005

John-Mark Gurney writes:
| jmg         2005-03-18 01:11:40 UTC
|   FreeBSD src repository
|   Modified files:
|     sys/sys              event.h 
|     sys/kern             kern_event.c vfs_aio.c 
|   Log:
|   fix aio+kq... I've been running ambrisko's test program for much longer
|   w/o problems than I was before...  This simply brings back the knote_delete
|   as knlist_delete which will also drop the knote's, instead of just clearing
|   the list and seeing _ONESHOT...
|   Fix a race where if a note was _INFLUX and _DETACHED, it could end up being
|   modified... whoopse..

Thanks, once I sync. up with that then I'll bring in the lio fixes and 
kqueue support for lio.

Doug A.

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